Father Christmas Impersonator, 67, Who Tipped The Scales At 21 STONE 1

Father Christmas Impersonator, 67, Who Tipped The Scales At 21 STONE

A 21-rock man, who dresses up as SANTA CLAUS, shows how he shed 5th by ingesting a balloon, within a capsule, that was inflated in his tummy with water then. Michael Mackie, 67, Hampton, London, noticed the pounds starting to put on when an agonizing back condition made it increasingly more difficult to go.

At his heaviest he tipped the scales at 21st. While his extra heft helped him land employment as Father’s Christmas at a Santa’s Grotto in 2016, it remained him feeling ‘depressed’ as he found himself spending more time indoors. In the bid to lose excess weight, Michael splashed out £3,200 for a radical, new weight reduction treatment called the Eclipse Balloon. The weight reduction aide is swallowed within a capsule, attached to a tube, that was then filled up with water to keep his stomach feeling full.

And, in just 20 weeks shed five rocks and 10 wins from his previous 48-inch waist. Now he has to wear an extra fat suit to make himself appear to be Santa. Michael said: ‘I had the balloon devote August 2018, and by Christmas I had formed lost so much weight that my manager thought to me, “Michael, you’re so thin! We’ll have to put you in a extra fat suit now”. A step back in its history! Not one for the picture album! Share ‘Some people may have been offended by that, but I was ecstatic to hear it.

Before, I used to be so big that I had a great deal of difficulties with mobility and there have been days after I wouldn’t be able to go out. In his youthful years, Michael, that has two daughters, secretary Fay, 41, and sales supervisor Gemma, 39, along with his ex-wife, was active and slim.

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Working as a children’s entertainer since he was 33, he was on the road constantly, each day doing three to four shows. But then, everything changed in 2012, when his back started to suffer following a knee replacement that caused him to limp. Then, weeks later, he was identified as having both a center murmur, and a degenerative spine, where the discs between the vertebrae to wear down causing severe back pain. By 2015, he was so unwell that, aged 63, he was forced to take early retirement. Languishing at home and experiencing difficulty moving, his weight gradually increased from 18 to 21 rocks over the course of the next couple of years.

He said: ‘I was just about housebound much of the time, as the weight gain made my vertebral problems worse. Having been active and doing 3 or 4 shows each day during my working life, it was terribly depressing to be sitting at home all day just searching of the home window. In the bid to up keep his spirits, Michael decided in December 2016 to use for a job as a SANTA CLAUS impersonator at the racecourse in Ascot – and landed the role of ‘the big man’ right away.

It was great to get back to what I understand and do best,’ continued Michael, who was continued in the role following the success of his first Yuletide season. By 2015, he was so unwell that, aged 63, he was forced to take early retirement. The year feeling trapped in a vicious cycle of rising weight, and decreasing mobility But still spending most of, Michael made the decision that he somehow had a need to thin down.