SRS Retirement Fund 1

SRS Retirement Fund

You have to take ownership of your investment decisions. One of the goals which I arranged for myself from 2013 onwards is to trade less and make investments more. Quite simply, I try to cut down the capital which I put into trading and channel them into trading. I have always been taking ownership of my own investment decisions, however, to advance in this financial freedom game, I also want to invest into businesses that I would like to own. Basically, it means trading such as a continuing business owner.

If you keep in mind one of my post, I used to be actually contemplating an investment into JB Foods Limited in Sep 2012 but I never take action on that idea. I have to take ‘ownership’ of my lack of action. Obviously Sam Goi (the Popiah King), being truly a savvy investor sees a good business in JB Foods, and bought a 16.67% stake for 27c each via placement last week.

The market reacted positive and delivered the stock for an all time high. Sam Goi is one solid trader and with him as a proper buyer, I am certain you can see more doors starting for JB Foods. Actually one possibility can also be JB Foods becoming a supplier to SuperGroup which he has a significant stake as well. A top-selling cocoa 3-in-1 in the offing Perhaps? It brings back memories of an upset anonymous reader who left sore comments about JB Foods when it was initially traded.I believe this reader was probably trading contra and is not taking ownership of his own decisions.

  • 30-Year Earnings: $2,828,502
  • SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond ETF (JNK)
  • Identify dangers
  • Demonstrate collaborative management
  • Does he have any prior bad financial report ie. failure to settle loans or bankruptcy
  • How long do you think such a culture can last

If he has held to now, he will be back in the black since last Friday. I am against contra trading and I think it is one of the fastest way of losing profits and making your broker rich. The answer to this is based on your time frame and whether the stock has reached your intrinsic value.

The value i first stated in my Singapore blog was 48c-60c if you still keep in mind it but of course, i have not done further focus on the values since that article. I had been at the Investment Summit workshop today. If you want to know some of the stocks that were being mentioned, you can gain access via the section “exclusive to friends” on my Facebook page.

I will update that web page again if I attend the seminar tomorrow (but most probably will never be able to attend the full session). It really is by no means a recommendation to buy those stocks now. You will need to do your own homework, and take possession of your own investment decisions as well as your financial life! Even Gaylin has already reached my upper end ‘focus on of 57.5c’. My IPO post was here. Perhaps the market is really getting too hot? You will need to choose for yourself if it’s time that you should exit if the valuation is too rich.